Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Okay, then.

Today definitely wasn't lacking in its interesting moments. I discovered that I've been ripping myself off an incredible about by using mealtrades at the Kosher Cafe/Bagel express to get my morning bagel when I could just pay $1.99 at the Outtakes store to get the same thing. I'm intelligent.

It amazes me how much the prices are different up (over?) here than back home. For example, I went into a CVS and decided to pick up some ramen which at home would cost about $0.10 a piece, but here it was 2/$0.79. So, yeah, $0.79 isn't a lot of money but, I'm cheap right now. And, what the hell, it's instant ramen.

So, in more interesting news, I probably bombed my chemistry test. I knew things did not bode well when I realized I had left my scientific calculator in my room and had to come all the way back to get it since I'm useless without one, and I don't think I could do logarithms in my head no matter what. Luckily, I got there just as the professor arrived. It didn't change the fact that I didn't know much about the first two pages of the exam. 55 is passing though, I think. Hopefully I can pull at least that.

Afterward, I decided to go to the costume shop to pick up a bow-tie for my mad-hatter (cheap-ass, poor excuse for a) costume. Ri went with me, and we jumped on the 12 that blatantly stated "CROSSGATES MALL" on it, but...instead it ended up taking us downtown. So, we jumped off at the first stop, which apparently was ridiculously far away from school. Thankfully, we remembered that Ada lived somewhere around there (more like 5/6 streets down) and thought that it'd be better to try to go find her apartment than to stand on the corner in the dark, both of us being pretty much blind in the dark. It was cold, too, but we managed to find it, and it was more fun than just going to lame old Crossgates.

I'm totally studying the wrong country, randomly.

Aaand people manage to kill my good moods within 5 seconds. Thanks.

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