Friday, October 26, 2007

Check your ego.

I've noticed a lot of people here seem to think of themselves very highly for absolutely no reason whatsoever. The only basis for judgment these people have to determine how great they are is to compare themselves to others. I recently heard this girl (a stranger) rattling off at the mouth about someone I know in a way that made this person seem inferior to her. She obviously doesn't know the person she was talking about, and she made her quick, sweeping judgment based on a physical observation. I wanted to say "And what makes you so special, you empty-headed, judgmental twat?" Yes, "twat", because it's great to call someone a name that is just as useless as the person to whom it is referring.

But, you know what? Trying to tell people like that anything different to change their opinion is absolutely pointless. It's cool to talk down about people, isn't it? Even if you know nothing about them. And especially if they aren't up to society's standards of beauty, because that totally obliterates any good qualities that person may have.

So, what do you say when someone makes fun of someone you know from across the room (when you probably shouldn't be listening anyway)? I'm not sure.

Humans are really stupid, and I say this from experience.


Sars said...

It's okay to do this about celebrities though, right? Haha, I jest. It isn't right even then, but we do it because who they are in the public is so different from the person they really are in private.

A person's worth really isn't tied to physical attributes, so whoever it was can shove it. XD

Ash said...


I know, right? It was just some typical UA girl who proceeded to talk about whether or not a girl can achieve orgasm through intercourse alone with her guy friend.
